On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 I had a very inspiring art talk with William Eckhardt Kohler.
It's the first in a looong row of art talks that I'll publish regularly on The Pointless Artist Blog under Podcast > Art Talks, as well as on THE POINTLESS ARTIST PODCAST on Anchor.fm and Spotify. Stay tuned.
William is a full-time painter and, occasionally, an art writer based in Chicago, USA. He's also a winner of the prominent Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant (PKF Grant). Currently, he's exploring the realm of possibilities for new projects in 2022.
We mainly spoke about his parcours as an artist, his multi-faceted work, his approach to artistic creativity, art inspiration and artist block, his creative process in the studio and beyond, and the concept of inner transformation (personal, emotional, spiritual), which is central to his personal development and the art he makes.
"We can choose to elevate the process of inner transformation to consciousness and that's the part that interests me the most, which usually begins with an acceptance. I have to accept who I am in order to make any kind of change. I think of the landscape and the space as a meta journey." (William Eckhardt Kohler)
We ended the interview with a short discussion about the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant he was awarded in 2020. I kindly asked William to give you some tips on how to apply for funding with the Pollock-Krasner Foundation to create new artworks, purchase needed materials, or pay for your studio rent.
You can listen to my talk with William here. You can also find and listen to it directly on Anchor.fm and Spotify > The Pointless Artist's ART TALKS.
I found a lot of synergies between William and me as visual artists. Because transformation, in all its aspects and mainly as creation, expansion, and life, is at the heart of The Pointless Artist, too.
"Art has the potential to transform the viewer, even if just for a moment. I think that art has the possibility to change us vibrationally. The subject of human transformation is one of the main topics of my art." (William Eckhardt Kohler)
Via The Pointless Artist Blog, I support the creative energy of life and the artists who contribute to transforming this world into a freer, kinder, more inclusive, caring, transparent, and compassionate place to live. I firmly believe in the passion for art, the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences, and the power of personal stories to bring us together. I hope that my interview with William will open a channel for you and transform you even if just for a moment ...
"When I look at art that resonates, I feel changed. I feel like the chemicals in my brain are doing something. That's what I want my art to do." (William Eckhardt Kohler)
"If I see the potential in a painting, well the fact is that I'm gonna ruin it. That's what working on a piece means. It means that something is getting ruined to make something new. So I have to be very comfortable as much with the destruction as well as the construction." (William Eckhardt Kohler)
If you’ve got something to add, please comment on this blog post below, drop me an e-mail, or pm me on Instagram @the_pointless_artist. I'd love to hear from you!
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Recognise your pointlessness and keep creating!
From Germany with love,
Bianca Vinther